Renault endpoints

This is a list of the endpoints available, and their characteristics.

Vehicle data endpoints


Base url:


Sample return:
  "data": {
    "type": "Car",
    "id": "VF1AAAAA555777999",
    "attributes": {
      "timestamp": "2020-01-12T21:40:16Z",
      "batteryLevel": 60,
      "batteryTemperature": 20,
      "batteryAutonomy": 141,
      "batteryCapacity": 0,
      "batteryAvailableEnergy": 31,
      "plugStatus": 1,
      "chargingStatus": 1.0,
      "chargingRemainingTime": 145,
      "chargingInstantaneousPower": 27.0


  • batteryTemperature is not always present.

  • batteryCapacity appears to always return 0.

On Zoe40 (model code X101VE):
  • chargingInstantaneousPower gives value in watts.

  • chargingStatus uses only a subset of ChargeStatus_ enum (NOT_IN_CHARGE = 0.0, CHARGE_IN_PROGRESS = 1.0, CHARGE_ERROR = -1.0)

On Zoe50 (model code X102VE):
  • batteryTemperature appears completely wrong.

  • chargingInstantaneousPower seems to return values in kilowatts, but the values still appear completely wrong.


Base url:


Sample return:
  "data": {
    "type": "Car",
    "id": "VF1AAAAA555777999",
    "attributes": {
      "chargeSummaries": [
          "day": "20201208",
          "totalChargesNumber": 2,
          "totalChargesDuration": 495,
          "totalChargesErrors": 0
          "day": "20201205",
          "totalChargesNumber": 1,
          "totalChargesDuration": 657,
          "totalChargesErrors": 0


Base url:


Sample return:
  "data": {
    "type": "Car",
    "id": "VF1AAAAA555777999",
    "attributes": { "chargeMode": "always" }


On older vehicles, such as Zoe40 (model code X101VE):

The return values appear to be always_charging and schedule_mode. This matches the vehicle_action.charge-mode action attributes.

On newer vehicles, such as Zoe50 (model code X102VE):

The return values appear to be always and scheduled. This DOES NOT match the vehicle_action.charge-mode action attributes.


Base url:


Sample return:
  "data": {
    "type": "Car",
    "id": "VF1AAAAA555777999",
    "attributes": {
      "charges": [
          "chargeStartDate": "2020-11-11T00:31:03Z",
          "chargeEndDate": "2020-11-11T08:30:17Z",
          "chargeDuration": 479,
          "chargeStartBatteryLevel": 15,
          "chargeEndBatteryLevel": 74,
          "chargeBatteryLevelRecovered": 59,
          "chargePower": "slow",
          "chargeStartInstantaneousPower": 3100,
          "chargeEndStatus": "ok"


Base url:


Sample return:
  "data": {
    "type": "Car",
    "id": "VF1AAAAA555777999",
    "attributes": {
      "mode": "scheduled",
      "schedules": [
          "id": 1,
          "activated": true,
          "monday": {
            "startTime": "T12:00Z",
            "duration": 15
          "tuesday": {
            "startTime": "T04:30Z",
            "duration": 420
          "wednesday": {
            "startTime": "T22:30Z",
            "duration": 420
          "thursday": {
            "startTime": "T22:00Z",
            "duration": 420
          "friday": {
            "startTime": "T12:15Z",
            "duration": 15
          "saturday": {
            "startTime": "T12:30Z",
            "duration": 30
          "sunday": {
            "startTime": "T12:45Z",
            "duration": 45
  "data": {
    "type": "Car",
    "id": "VF1AAAAA555777999",
    "attributes": {
      "mode": "scheduled",
      "schedules": [
          "id": 1,
          "activated": true,
          "monday": {
            "startTime": "T00:00Z",
            "duration": 450
          "tuesday": {
            "startTime": "T00:00Z",
            "duration": 450
          "wednesday": {
            "startTime": "T00:00Z",
            "duration": 450
          "thursday": {
            "startTime": "T00:00Z",
            "duration": 450
          "friday": {
            "startTime": "T00:00Z",
            "duration": 450
          "saturday": {
            "startTime": "T00:00Z",
            "duration": 450
          "sunday": {
            "startTime": "T00:00Z",
            "duration": 450
          "id": 2,
          "activated": true,
          "monday": {
            "startTime": "T23:30Z",
            "duration": 15
          "tuesday": {
            "startTime": "T23:30Z",
            "duration": 15
          "wednesday": {
            "startTime": "T23:30Z",
            "duration": 15
          "thursday": {
            "startTime": "T23:30Z",
            "duration": 15
          "friday": {
            "startTime": "T23:30Z",
            "duration": 15
          "saturday": {
            "startTime": "T23:30Z",
            "duration": 15
          "sunday": {
            "startTime": "T23:30Z",
            "duration": 15
          "id": 3,
          "activated": false
          "id": 4,
          "activated": false
          "id": 5,
          "activated": false


Base url:


Sample return:
  "data": {
    "type": "Car",
    "id": "VF1AAAAA555777123",
    "attributes": {
      "fuelAutonomy": 35.0,
      "fuelQuantity": 3.0,
      "totalMileage": 5566.78
  "data": {
    "type": "Car",
    "id": "VF1AAAAA555777999",
    "attributes": {
      "totalMileage": 49114.27
  "data": {
    "type": "Car",
    "id": "VF1AAAAA555777999",
    "attributes": { "totalMileage": 49114.27 }
  "data": {
    "type": "Car",
    "id": "VF1AAAAA555777999",
    "attributes": {
      "fuelAutonomy": 0,
      "fuelQuantity": 0,
      "totalMileage": 5785.75


Base url:


Sample return:

Sample data is not yet available for this endpoint.

Please check the Contributor Guide to provide a sample.


Base url:


Sample return:

Sample data is not yet available for this endpoint.

Please check the Contributor Guide to provide a sample.


Base url:


Sample return:
  "data": {
    "type": "Car",
    "id": "UU1AAAAA555777123",
    "attributes": {
      "socThreshold": 30.0,
      "hvacStatus": "off",
      "lastUpdateTime": "2020-12-03T00:00:00Z"
  "data": {
    "type": "Car",
    "id": "VF1AAAAA555777999",
    "attributes": { "externalTemperature": 8.0, "hvacStatus": "off" }
  "data": {
    "type": "Car",
    "id": "VF1AAAAA555777999",
    "attributes": { "socThreshold": 40, "hvacStatus": "on" }


On Zoe40 (model code X101VE):

hvacStatus seems to always report off, even when preconditioning is in progress.

On Zoe50 (model code X102VE):

This endpoint seem to be unavailable and returns an error 'err.func.403': 'Operation not supported Operation not supported for this can (C1A)'.


Base url:


Sample return:
  "data": {
    "type": "Car",
    "id": "VF1AAAAA555777999",
    "attributes": {
      "dateTime": "2020-12-24T20:00:00.000Z",
      "mode": "scheduled",
      "schedules": [
          "id": 1,
          "activated": false
          "id": 2,
          "activated": true,
          "wednesday": { "readyAtTime": "T15:15Z" },
          "friday": { "readyAtTime": "T15:15Z" }
          "id": 3,
          "activated": false
          "id": 4,
          "activated": false
          "id": 5,
          "activated": false


Base url:


Sample return:
  "data": {
    "type": "Car",
    "id": "VF1AAAAA555777999",
    "attributes": {
      "gpsLatitude": 48.1234567,
      "gpsLongitude": 11.1234567,
      "lastUpdateTime": "2020-02-18T16:58:38Z"
  "data": {
    "type": "Car",
    "id": "VF1AAAAA555777999",
    "attributes": {
      "gpsDirection": null,
      "gpsLatitude": 48.1234567,
      "gpsLongitude": 11.1234567,
      "lastUpdateTime": "2020-02-18T16:58:38Z"


Base url:


Sample return:
  "data": {
    "type": "Car",
    "id": "VF1AAAAA555777999",
    "attributes": {
      "lockStatus": "locked",
      "doorStatusRearLeft": "closed",
      "doorStatusRearRight": "closed",
      "doorStatusDriver": "closed",
      "doorStatusPassenger": "closed",
      "hatchStatus": "closed",
      "lastUpdateTime": "2022-02-02T13:51:13Z"
  "data": {
    "type": "Car",
    "id": "VF1AAAAA555777999",
    "attributes": {
      "lockStatus": "unlocked",
      "doorStatusRearLeft": "closed",
      "doorStatusRearRight": "closed",
      "doorStatusDriver": "closed",
      "doorStatusPassenger": "closed",
      "hatchStatus": "closed",
      "lastUpdateTime": "2022-02-02T13:51:13Z"


Base url:


Sample return:

Sample data is not yet available for this endpoint.

Please check the Contributor Guide to provide a sample.


Base url:


Sample return:
  "data": {
    "type": "ResState",
    "id": "VF1AAAAA555777999",
    "attributes": {
      "details": "Stopped, ready for RES",
      "code": "10"
  "data": {
    "type": "ResState",
    "id": "VF1AAAAA555777999",
    "attributes": {
      "details": "Running",
      "code": "42"

Action endpoints


Base url:


Sample payload:

Use instant charging:

   "data": {
      "type": "ChargeMode",
      "attributes": {"action": "always_charging"}

Use scheduled charging:

   "data": {
      "type": "ChargeMode",
      "attributes": {"action": "schedule_mode"}

Please check the Contributor Guide to provide extra samples.


All vehicles seem to use always_charging and schedule_mode.

On older vehicles, such as Zoe40 (model code X101VE):

This matches the vehicle_data.charge-mode return values: always_charging and schedule_mode.

On newer vehicles, such as Zoe50 (model code X102VE):

This DOES NOT match the vehicle_data.charge-mode return values which are: always and scheduled.


Base url:


Sample payload:

Sample payload is not yet available for this endpoint.

Please check the Contributor Guide to provide a sample.


Base url:


Sample payload:

Start charge:

   "data": {
      "type": "ChargingStart",
      "attributes": {"action": "start"}

Stop charge:

   "data": {
      "type": "ChargingStart",
      "attributes": {"action": "stop"}

Please check the Contributor Guide to provide extra samples.


Base url:


Sample payload:

Sample payload is not yet available for this endpoint.

Please check the Contributor Guide to provide a sample.


On Zoe50 (model code X102VE):

Payload {'action': 'cancel'} to stop HVAC does not create errors but has no effect on the vehicle (Renault side limitation).


Base url:


Sample payload:

Sample payload is not yet available for this endpoint.

Please check the Contributor Guide to provide a sample.

KCM Action endpoints


Base url:


Sample return:
  "data": {
    "type": "ChargePauseResume",
    "id": "guid",
    "attributes": { "action": "resume" }
  "data": {
    "type": "ChargePauseResume",
    "id": "guid",
    "attributes": { "action": "pause" }